What is the impact of geographical origin on the quality of essential oils ?

Terroir refers to the environment in which the plant is grown (geographical origin, climate, soil composition, growing conditions, etc.). It has a significant impact on the chemical composition, properties and aromatic profiles of essential oils, determining their quality.

Indeed, the chemical composition of the essential oil (which determines its therapeutic properties and fragrance), can vary depending on the place of cultivation of the plant. Soil, climate, altitude, biodiversity, can affect the concentrations of the different chemical components present in the oil.

For example, plants grown in an environment with high biodiversity, can benefit from synergistic interactions with other plants and organisms, influencing their growth and thus, the composition of their essential oils. The composition of the soil influences the disposition of nutrients, which can affect the growth of the plant and therefore the quality of the essential oil. For example, lavender essential oil from the Gard is renowned for its superior quality, due to the specific climate of the limestone soil and the altitude of the region.

There are therefore many factors to take into account, and can affect the components of the plant and consequently, the quality of the essential oil.

Geographical origin can also be an indicator of purity and authenticity. Essential oils produced in regions traditionally recognized for their culture and know-how are a guarantee of quality. We think here of the Damas rose from Bulgaria, or the Bergamot from Sicily.

Standards and regulations also play a vital role in product quality. Indeed, from one country to another, the producer is required to comply with strict standards regarding the production processes and organic cultivation of his essential oils ; thus guaranteeing superior quality.

Geographical origin is then a key factor in determining the quality and unique characteristics of an essential oil. 

Understanding the impact of terroir on essential oils is crucial for producers and consumers who are looking for high-quality products, adapted to specific uses.

How has the demand for essential oils changed in recent years ?